Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I deserve an A

I, Kayla Burton think that That if I showed the best of my ability in your class this school year than I believe that I deserve an A. I understand that you have to work hard in order to get an A and that you don't get the teacher does not give the grade, but the student earns the grade. I understand I don't demonstrate the best behavior in your class but I know that I try my best even when I know my best ain't good as you want it to be. But Mr. Paquette if you think that I do not deserve the A then you should give me the grade I deserve. I think that I tried very hard on my final exam even when I got confused and about to quit, I pushed myself to try and get my work done cause in the end, it don't matter about the confusion I had it what matters is what I brought to the table to show my understanding of the curriculum we covered this year.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla,

    This was one of the best blogs I read. Very thorough. You missed some reflection questions and some of the images you repeated.


    Remember to raise your hand and stay in your seat.
